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With the increasing impact of human activities on the world"s oceans, many marine species have become endangered or extinct. In this article, we"ll take a closer look at some of the ocean creatures that have already gone extinct.

The Steller"s Sea Cow


The Steller"s Sea Cow was a large marine mammal that lived in the North Pacific Ocean. It was first discovered by explorers in 1741, and by 1768 it was already extinct due to overhunting by humans. The animal was slow-moving and easy to catch, making it an easy target for hunters. Its extinction had a significant impact on the ecosystem of the region.

The Caribbean Monk Seal

The Caribbean Monk Seal was once found throughout the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, but it has not been seen since the 1950s and is now considered extinct. Hunting, habitat loss, and disease are believed to be among the factors contributing to its disappearance.

The Baiji Dolphin

The Baiji Dolphin was a freshwater dolphin found only in China"s Yangtze River. It was declared functionally extinct in 2006 after no sightings were reported for several years. Pollution, overfishing, and dam construction are among the reasons cited for its decline.

The Dusky Seaside Sparrow

The Dusky Seaside Sparrow was a bird native to Florida"s salt marshes. It became extinct in 1987 due to habitat loss from development and pesticide use. The last known individual died in captivity at Walt Disney World.


These are just a few examples of marine species that have gone extinct due to human activities. As we continue to explore and exploit the world"s oceans, it"s important to remember the impact our actions can have on these fragile ecosystems and the creatures that call them home.


